The Devilish Psychology of Clicking A Website Button

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As the old adage goes, “the devil is in the details.” And when it comes to the psychology of clicking a website button, the details are as devilish as they come.

In a world where clicks are currency, where a button can mean the difference between conversion and rejection, it’s no wonder that companies are willing to pay top dollar to get inside the minds of users and customers.

As human beings, we are all susceptible to the power of psychology.

Whether we are aware of it or not, our thoughts, behaviours, and decisions are often influenced by unconscious psychological factors.

This is true in many different areas of life, including our interactions with the digital world and with websites.

When it comes to clicking on a website button, psychology plays a significant role.

Whether it’s a “Buy Now” button on an e-commerce site or a “Sign Up” button on a social media platform, the design, placement, and language used on that button can have a profound impact on whether or not a person will take action.

Some psychologists argue that human beings are deeply influenced by their perceptions of meaning and order.

This means that we are naturally drawn to things that seem coherent, organized, and meaningful to us.

When it comes to website buttons, this principle can be applied in several ways.

The design of the button is key.

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It must be visually appealing, easy to read and grab the attention of the user.

It’s a game of seconds, a fleeting moment to make an impression.

The colour, shape, and size of the button all play a role in whether or not it will be clicked.

1. Your website button must match your branding.

A high-contrast button is excellent for getting clicks, but it must match your branding.

First and foremost, the design of the website button must be aesthetically pleasing and consistent with the rest of the website and your company’s branding.

It’s the gateway to the promised land, the siren’s call, and the first step towards the ultimate goal of the website.

If the button looks like it doesn’t belong or is not in keeping with the overall style of the site, it is less likely to be clicked on.

2. Website button wording.

This lead gen landing page uses a button with text that reflects the user taking action.

Second, the language used on the website button must be clear, concise, and persuasive.

A button that simply says “Submit” is far less likely to be as effective as one that says “Get Your Free Trial Now.”

The copy used on the button should communicate the value that the user will receive by taking action.

Furthermore, the copy of the website button should reflect the heading of the landing page or web page.

For example, a landing page about a free PDF guide should have a download button that uses text along the lines of “Download my free PDF now” or “Get You Free PDF Guide Now”.

3. Placement of a website button.

Third, the placement of the button is also important.

It should be prominently displayed and easily accessible on all devices.

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A button that is tucked away in a corner or is difficult to find is unlikely to be clicked on.

The button should also be placed in a logical location, such as near the top of the page (above the fold) or near the main content.

For mobile devices, the button should be easy access to the user’s thumb. This is because most mobile users click on website buttons using their right thumb.

4. The website button’s font has a perceived personality.

The font you choose will influence how many people click your website button.

For many years, designers, marketers and conversion rate optimization experts have spoken about the effect that different fonts and branding have on conversion rates.

This includes any font used on a webpage or landing page.

As highlighted in my article “Font Personality Test Redefines Choosing A Font For Your Brand” it is important to choose a font that has the same personality that your customers perceive your brand or product to have.

In 2013, Alysha Fligner, an undergraduate at Fisher College of
Business of The Ohio State University created two fictional cookie brands that both used two different fonts on the packaging.

The study showed that consumers are able to consistently identify semantic qualities associated with a particular style of typeface, and whether or not the associations match up to the product.

It was also found that the connotations of fonts on packaging carry over to the perception and evaluation of a product, leading to enhanced persuasion and purchases.

This persuasion is strongest when packaging and choice of font align with what consumers expect from a product.

Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing a font for your website buttons and ensure that it aligns with what your consumers think about your product.

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5. The emotional state of the user.

Finally, the emotional state of the user can also influence whether or not they click on the button.

As highlighted in this video, positive language and positive nouns have a direct influence on website users taking action.

Furthermore, language comprehension and behaviour are influenced by a person’s surroundings.

What this means is that if a user is feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed, they are less likely to take action by clicking on your website button.

On the other hand, if a user is feeling confident, motivated, and optimistic, they are more likely to click on the button.


In conclusion, the psychology of clicking on a website button is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is influenced by many factors, including design, language, placement, context, and emotional state.

By understanding these factors and taking them into account, website designers and marketers can create buttons that are more likely to be clicked on and more effective at driving conversions.

Ultimately, this means that websites can be made more user-friendly, more persuasive, and more effective at achieving their goals.

So, next time you’re staring at that tempting button, remember, there’s a good reason you’re looking at it and tempted to click on it.

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