Black colour psychology has a freaky effect on customer behaviour.

Colour psychology is a real noggin’ scratcher at the best of times. But what I discovered about black colour psychology and the weight of objects, and the effect they have on customer behaviour is downright freaky. Here’s what you’ll learn in this article about black colour psychology and weight: What psychology says about colours is… Continue reading Black colour psychology has a freaky effect on customer behaviour.

How red colour psychology in branding influences what you buy.

heinz warm colour theory psychology

Today, we’re talking about how colour psychology in branding influences what you buy. You might not know this… But web design, marketing and branding is a complex world of colourful stimuli that can elicit different emotional responses. And those responses highlight the bizarre differences in male and female consumer psychology. At times, it’s wildly different.… Continue reading How red colour psychology in branding influences what you buy.

Female Consumer Psychology and Marketing is “A Game-Changer”

Female consumer psychology and marketing

I probably shouldn’t write about female consumer psychology and marketing, but I’m going to. The world of marketing is a savage and treacherous landscape, where the slightest misstep can lead to certain doom. The people who inhabit this strange and wondrous realm believe themselves to be masters of manipulation, able to bend the will of… Continue reading Female Consumer Psychology and Marketing is “A Game-Changer”

Haptic sensations is a powerful ecommerce sales strategy

heinz warm colour theory psychology

If you’re looking for a whopper of an ecommerce sales strategy then “Incidental Haptic Sensations Influence Social Judgments and Decisions” by Ackerman, Nocera, and Bargh is unmissable. The research paper details experiments carried out to determine if there is a link between the sensations of touching different surfaces and influencing people’s behaviour (AKA haptic sensations… Continue reading Haptic sensations is a powerful ecommerce sales strategy

Psychographic Segmentation: Pro Brand Marketing Strategies

Psychographic segmentation is a kaleidoscope of human behaviour and motivation. With each twist and turn, you discover new facets of your brand’s target audience and new dimensions of their desires and motivations. And with each new revelation, you refine your approach and fine-tune your copywriting to create marketing campaigns and landing pages that connect with… Continue reading Psychographic Segmentation: Pro Brand Marketing Strategies

Differentiation Strategy: The Key to Standing Out in a Competitive Market

So you might be wondering what a differentiation strategy is and why it’s important for any modern business that offers products or services in its marketplace. Most of us stumble through life and end up in a career that we had no intention of ending up in. But imagine for a moment that you’re 16… Continue reading Differentiation Strategy: The Key to Standing Out in a Competitive Market

Brand Designer Description: Beware the Outlaw Brand Designer.

The following brand designer description is a piece of gonzo journalism by Chris McCarron, the founder and owner of GoGoChimp. Who is a branding designer and what do they do? Ever since Apple released the Apple I in July 1976, California has been strangely plagued by branding experts and logo designers. The California climate is… Continue reading Brand Designer Description: Beware the Outlaw Brand Designer.

Font Personality Test Redefines Choosing A Font For Your Brand.

In February 2006, a font personality test was conducted by A. Dawn Shaikh, Barbara S. Chaparro, and Doug Fox. Their findings completely redefine how designers should choose a font for a brand. In their paper entitled Perception of Fonts: Perceived Personality Traits they outline how their font personality test discovered that people subconsciously assign a… Continue reading Font Personality Test Redefines Choosing A Font For Your Brand.

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